It's been awhile since I've blogged. Um, more like almost 10 months. Once you stop posting, it's hard to get started again. I'm sitting on my couch watching Say Yes To The Dress. Why do we watch this stuff? (I'm assuming others do too!) I'm counting down the minutes to when my kids will wake up, knowing that the days of both kids napping are almost over.
Let's see...Updates...
Parker is obsessed with superheroes, especially Batman, and Disney princesses. Interesting.
He dresses himself, takes medicine without throwing a fit, helped decorate the tree (really helped), and can actually be reasoned with. Basically, he's growing up. It's pretty cool.
Abigail is spunky, sassy, and confident. She always walks with a purpose, loves anything that sparkles, is picky about which skinny jeans she gets to wear, has Eric completely wrapped around her little finger and explained to Santa today how to get into our house and drop off her 2 presents that she has to have.
Eric is truly amazing. He makes it look simple to juggle work, kids and a high maintenance wife.
Here are the kids' school pictures this year. I love them!

Hey! We got your cute card and I was i awe at how precious your kids are. Seriously that curly hair is amazing! H
Can't believe how much your kids have grown?! And how much they are complete chips off the ole blocks... very cute.
The kids are TOO cute!!!
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