Friday, March 7, 2008

Things I Hope Are Only True When I'm Pregnant

Come on pregnant friends. Add yours to the list. Single guys or married guys without kids, no need to read this. It'll just weird you out.

Things I Hope Are Only True When I'm Pregnant (In other words, if these things come true outside of pregnancy, I need serious help!):

1. Dropping something on the ground while sitting, then having to spread your legs for your stomach to fit through them so that you can bend over. Or you can do the "move both legs to one side and lean" version which is more appropriate in public.

2. Peeing (just a little) on yourself every time you cough, sneeze, or laugh.

3. Leaving one bag of groceries at the grocery store every time you shop. Then returning for your lost bag (after you've already driven home) and being greeted at the door with, "hi, Sandi, we have it over here for you again."

4. Crying when my husband bills 50 hours a week. Crying when my husband bills 20 hours a week. Crying when my husband wants to talk about the bill from Target. Crying when Bill, the cable man, sits on the couch and plays with the TV after taking 3 hours to set it up.

5. Being hit in the stomach by my son because he can no longer sit on my lap for me to read him a book or to rock him. Seriously, he screamed, "Baby! No!" as he hit my stomach with both hands. Thank God there really is a baby in there!

Okay, ladies, add yours to the list. For some reason this makes me laugh and enjoy pregnancy more. It also makes me fall more in love with Eric because none of it seems to bother him.


Lacey said...

Oh, those are all such good ones, which one to add...watching as your shoes go from being tied in the middle to being tied on the side of your feet because that's the best you can do.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the joys! I'll add a couple.

1. Getting heartburn from oatmeal.
2. Going to the doctor more than once a year.
3. Rolling over in the middle of the night and having to hold my stomach with both hands and move it in order for it to come with me.
4. The constant game of pulling my pants up and my shirt down.
5. Outside of being pregnant, I hope I never gain 4 lbs in one week.

Anonymous said...

getting in the car and having no clue where you were going

my husband telling me yesterday... "i saw one of our wedding pics today, its so weird, i cant even remember the way you used to look"
ouch, he meant it kindly... but still.

Matt & Kadie Laughlin said...

How are you? SO fun to find your blog and see your precious family!
Sounds like you guys are busy, moving at 8 months pregnant? i will be praying for you! :) I am looking forward to being able to keep up with you!!


Amber B. said...

You are hilarious! Mine are:
1. The peeing thing. Too gross.
2. Only wearing flip flops or mules b/c there is no way I'm leaning over to tie laces.
3. Being kicked in the ribs for the last month.
4. Asking the same questions over and over, b/c my memory is gone.

Bethany said...

I'm so glad you're a blogger!! I can't believe that it's been so long since we have caught up.. I miss you! Tell Eric that I said hey. Precious family:)

ablossom said...


Tripp said...

Heather and I have been laughing out loud (I guess that's "LOL" in IM'ing language) at your blog...I'm glad she found it. Especially all the times you refer to your neighborhood as "The Ghetto." We were also talking about y'all and how great you guys are. Hope you enjoy your new place in Mayberry.

Even though I'm a guy, I can speak for Heather here: she was peeing in her pants all the time while pregnant.

Have you taught Parker to play Yahtzee yet?

Anonymous said...

I've got a few:
* Bending over to shave my legs in the shower, then suddenly feeling the baby kick so hard that I know she thinks I'm squishing her.
* Being told by my husband that when I run, I look like I am chasing my belly.
* Oh, and never realizing how angry I could get when someone cuts me off in traffic.