Friday, March 7, 2008

Life Has Begun Again

Isn't it sad that I'm rejoicing over getting cable TV and internet at our house today? Little P is napping, there are still about 20 boxes to unpack, dishes to be done, some serious laundry to be washed, and I could use that 8 month pregnant nap. So, what do I do? I watch an episode of Law and Order from 1996 and then I get online. I'm addicted. And, I'm mad because I can't find the cord thing that connects the camera to the computer. It's probably in one of those boxes that I should be unpacking.

So, we got good news yesterday. Sydney( yes, we've decided on a name) is no longer breach. And, the placenta has moved up. Now we have a big decision to make. We were set on a C-section (mainly because I had one with P), but things are looking like I could possibly have a normal delivery. What to do?


mckennah said...

go for the normal delivery and see what happens. IF i have another i would like to at least know what a contraction feels like. i went straight to surgery with my c so i have no idea what anything other than that is like

KatieMGreen said...

go natural. Nothing like that feeling. I love your blog. You are so funny!!!

Scott and Sara said...

That's great news that Sydney is in position for a natural birth! I think it's worth trying to do it natural. You can do it!

Bethany said...

I'm all about a normal delivery, but I LOVED the epidural.
Parker and Sydney.. love those names:)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Sydney is due when? And the magical trip to Australia was how many months ago? The brain power and creativity of y'all and thats it? Good think you didnt go to Elmo, Missouri; Lolita, Texas; Napolean, North Dakota and of course MorĂ³n, Cuba. As for "normal" vs C, I am biologically prevented from having an opinion!

framer said...

Hey there! If you can and want to do it naturally go for it. As for me, I felt the contractions with Jen and didn't miss having them with Kac. So if God ever wants Greg and I to have another one, I am all for the c-section. Also, love the name Sydney and can't wait to meet her. Love yall,