Friday, May 9, 2008

Eight Arms

I need eight arms, or ten, or twelve. I also need about 300 hours of sleep, and that's even after my awesome husband has been sleeping in the living room to tend to the baby at night. I'm a mess. :)


At about 1:30pm I sat down on the couch next to Abigail to pump. (Sorry guys, but it's a part of the deal.) I put the movie "Cars" on for Parker to entertain him. As I was pumping I noticed Parker leaning on the glass door on our entertainment center. I threatened him with time out then reached over to try to console Abigail's crying. Just at that moment, I heard a crash and looked up to see P laying in a pile of broken glass. The door to the entertainment center had shattered from his weight.

I dropped everything, and ran over to pick him up out of the glass. (Oh yes, he also didn't have a shirt on because he decided to lick the peanut butter and jelly out of his sandwich for lunch. ) He had blood all over him. I reached over and found two breastfeeding pads (Sorry again, guys.) to wipe off the blood. After a quick bath he ended up with only a few scrapes. I cried.
Then, 3 hours later I actually got to sit down to pump again after cleaning up the glass.

I love my family. I love my kids. I really love my husband. But, I need eight arms. (Or thumbs on my feet would work too.)

Our now ghetto entertainment center.

"Rocket" is the only thing that keeps P occupied during feeding time.


mckennah said...

maybe this will encourage you :)


Matt & Kadie Laughlin said...

oh, i am so sorry sandi!
it will get better, and things will settle might even think about a third! :) did i really just write that down??? praying for you!

Chris Green said...

Thanks for ensuring that Bella will be an only child. Amazing. I hope y'all are OK!

Scott and Sara said...

Oh wow, that sounds really overwhelming. I'm glad Parker is okay!

Anonymous said...

We had an entertainment unit that was a cardboard box (with a sheet over it) for more years than Parker has been alive, so you already have us beat there. Celebrate the "memorable moments" like this, they are too easy to forget

GottaLuvMickey said...

Oh my goodness! You poor girl! Thats so horrible! You gotta admit though, things can only get better right? You're still an awesome Mommy!

framer said...

Hey there! I agree with two you need at least eight arms. I'm glad Parker was okay. You are a great mommy don't ever forget that. Things do start to get easier with two. We love you all. Enjoy the "memorable moments" they fly by fast and one day Parker's adventure will be one to laugh about.

Love, Alicia

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandi! I just found your blog! Congrats on the new baby. How exciting. I know that adjusting to two can be a challenge. It will get better.

Amy said...

oh my goodness! i glad parker is ok. i don't know if it has gotten easier or if i am just accustomed to it now. hope you nerves get better soon :)

The Family Senter said...

sorry but I had to laugh! :-)
I remember those days of adjusting to two
and I still don't know that I am adjusted to two and they are 5 and 3! :-)
it will get better, I promise!
and you will have soemthing to laugh at when you you look at your "ghetto entertainment unit"
love you guys and rejoicing with you over this sweet baby!
glad Parker was ok!
she is adorable by the way!

Susie said...

oh, sandi...abigail is a doll! congratulations!!! i am so glad i found your blog again. so fun to see all her pictures!

your life sounds just like mine! get ready for more of those comical moments from parker, especially when your feeding the baby. boys are pricless! noah hooked up the pump to himself once! got to love it!
praying for you all!

Amber B. said...

I am taking notes for when we have two! I hope to talk to you soon. Hope you are getting some naps in! :-)

Christine @ Live to Learn said...

Ok, I 'm not sure on the proper etiquette for reintroductions but HELLO SANDI! It's me Christine Stoneback Brown! I have been on facebook this week and found Amber and then she showed me to your blog! I have used my maiden name so much these last few days it is dizzying! I can't believe how long it has been since I have heard from you. Your family looks great! New babies are great but man do they make sleep difficult. :)
Come visit us a our family blog, at
Just to update we have been married for almost 11 years now and we have 5 kids! 2 boys and 3 girls, in that order. Our youngest is 12 months old so I am just now getting more sleep at night!

KatieMGreen said...

i know you must be so busy!! i hope things are going well for you!

i do have to say, though, i miss your fun blogs! you crack me up!

take care!!