Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Going To Miss The Ghetto

The house next door to ours (the old house) has just sold after being for sale for 18 months now. I drove up to our house today to find our new neighbors parked in front of our house. Parker got out of the car and ran over to check out the wheels on their car. The whole time he was screaming, "Wook! (Look!) Wow! Wook! Wow!" Later, my dogs were barking furiously in the backyard (which they do all the time). I went outside to apologize to our neighbor and to bring the dogs inside. That's when I saw that he was training a baby pitbull. He then told me that he liked my dogs barking at him and asked me to leave them out. Hmmm.


KatieMGreen said...

aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa! that's awesome! perfect timing to get out! :) i know what you mean...

congrats on the new place!

Anonymous said...

Eeewwwww. I had to call the Humane Society on my neighbors in college for training his dogs to fight. They really loved me after that.