As you all know, we now live in "
Mayberry". Our neighborhood had an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. There were over 100 people there. It was our first neighborhood event. Very fun! It was also P's first time hunting for eggs. Here are a couple pics.

Then on Sunday we had some of our family over for lunch. This is uncle Kevin helping P hunt for eggs in our backyard.
Sunday night P helped daddy put together a new table and chairs for the playroom.

Parker just gets cuter every day!
He is so cute! He has turned into such a little man!
parker is so cute! looks like he had a fun easter!
sorry that i missed Saturday :( we had a family get together thing at Chris' in Jefferson. sad.
How are you feeling these days?? Are you loving the new place?
I sent you a little gift via Target... again, sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate with you!!
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