Sunday, January 25, 2009

All Is Well

Parker's appointment on Friday was really good. He's cleared to play again! Yeah! We're down to only 4 drops a day. We'll be doing that for at least another month. And, better yet, we don't have to see the doctor again until his next surgery. A HUGE weight has been lifted! So, tomorrow we will start to wade through the mess that our house has become so that we can be "normal" for a few weeks before we do this again.

On a funny note... While I was out today I got a voicemail from Eric and Parker that had them telling me that Parker peed in the potty. That's the good news. The bad news is that Eric let Parker take the "pee bucket" (as he calls it) out of the kid potty and sit in Eric's lap with the "pee bucket" between his legs. Such a guy! I'm laughing so hard right now. Girls? Moms? Would you ever take the bucket out and let your kid sit in your lap to pee? Anyways, potty training is the next thing on the list. Looks like it's off to a weird start. But, hats off to my husband. He got Parker to pee in the potty today. Hmm.


KatieMGreen said...

oh my goodness! that is a good dad right there!
glad everything is looking for for Parker!!

Kfranklin said...

so glad!! I love Eric's creativity! :)

Amy said...

I love the new family photo! And there is no way I would put the pee bucket in my lap :) Way to go Eric!

framer said...

Hats off to Eric!! I would not put the pee bucket in my lap for anything!! I can tell you Greg wouldn't either. On another note glad to hear Parker is doing well.

Love yall

Scott and Sara said...

That is hilarious! Way to go, Eric, for diving right in to potty training. So glad you have a few weeks break before the next surgery!! Have heaps of fun playing, little P!

The Family Senter said...

I'm laughing out loud with you!