So, 5pm to 6pm could possibly be the worst hour of my life. Parker had a really hard time waking up from the anesthesia. He immediately started trying to pull off his patch and take out his IV. He's calmed down a lot now. We just got home. He's eating green pancakes and goldfish and watching Monsters Inc.
I only have one picture right now from Eric's phone. I'll upload more later tonight when I'm on my awake shift. It's been such a long day. But, I'm glad to be home and to see my little boy asking for his favorites.
Thank you for your prayers! We'll know more tomorrow. I'll let you know when we know.
so glad you're home. praying rest & peace over your family tonight.
WOW...look @ my lil BUDDY!!! we're definitely praying for a speedy recovery & look forward to hearing good things tomorrow!!!
Oh my friend. I'm so sorry for the hard times. But you are one of the strongest mama's I know. Parker P is as cute as can be in that picture. Praying for you all.
Thanks for all the updates. Still praying for you guys to have a good, restful night.
Very relieved to hear everything went well. We have been thinking and praying for you all.
Glad everything went okay and you are home. Jenna and Kaci both have tried to pull out their IVs coming out of anethesia. They would cry too. Love you all.
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